Changes properties of an existing user in the current workspace.


UPDATEUSER(email; workspaceRole; firstName; lastName; password)

  • email - the email address of the user - Value type: text

  • workspaceRole - the new workspace role of the user - Value type: text Possible values are: “Admin”, “Contributor”, “Standard”

  • firstName - the new first name of the user - Value type: text

  • lastName - the new last name of the user - Value type: text

  • password- the new password of the user - Value type: text


  • The function changes all specified properties for the user, identified by email. If a property is empty, it is not changed.

  • If the function execution was not successful, it returns !ERROR. This could happen in the following cases:

    • The function has been executed by a user who doesn’t have the Admin role assigned.

    • There is no user identified with email in the current workspace.

    • The password is specified, but does not comply to the nedyx password policies.


Clicking on the "Update user" button updates the specified properties of the user Jim Miller.