Sends an email to one or more recipients.
SENDEMAIL(to; replyTo; subject; body; attachment;attachmentFileName)
to - address of the recipient - Value type: text
replyTo - the reply-to address - Value type: text
subject - the subject line of the email - Value type: text
body - the body of the email - Value type: text
attachment - the internal name of the file which should be attached to the email - Value type: text (optional, default: empty - no file is attached)
attachmentFileName - the assigned name of the attached file - Value type: text (optional, default: attachment, i.e. the internal file name is used as name of the attachment)
The parameter to can be a column range containing a list of recipients.
The parameter attachment must be the name of a file which has been generated on the nedyx server, including its extension (e.g. .pdf, .zip, ....
The parameter attachment can be a column range containing a list of internal names of the files, which should be attached to the email.
The parameter attachmentFileName can be a column range containing a list of names, which should be used for the according attachment.
Example 1 - SENDEMAIL without an attachment
Example 2 - SENDEMAIL with one attachment
In the next example, clicking the Send Email button below creates a pdf file containing the page "SalesDashboard".
Afterwards, the generated PDF file is sent as an email attachment by calling the SENDEMAIL function.
Example 3 - As in example 2, but with four attachments to which suitable file names are assigned.
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