Replaces sub-texts in a text.


SUBSTITUTE(text; oldText; newText; option)

  • text - the text in which to search for oldText - Value type: text

  • oldText - the text which is to be found in parameter text - Value type: text

  • newText - the text with which oldText should be replaced- Value type: text

  • option - defines if the substitution should be done with a regular expression - Value type: constant (optional, default: empty - i.e. plain text replacement)

    Possible values are

    • regex - the replacement should be done using a regular expression for parameter oldText


  • The text parameter can also be a range with several texts. The SUBSTITUTE function is then applied to all these texts.

  • For the parameters oldText and newText, column ranges can be specified. The text replacement then takes place one after the other (from top to bottom) for all text pairs of these two parameters.

  • The search is performed case-sensitive, so the found text within parameter text must have the same casing than the parameter oldText.


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